Green Smoothie Pioneer

Victoria Boutenko is the Mother of Green Smoothies. She discovered this way of getting a large amount of health promoting dark leafy greens into her family who was suffering with many chronic diseases. Her idea, and book Green for Life, have revolutionized the transition from the SAD Standard American Diet to health promoting real whole plant foods. Watch as she explains and demonstrates Green Smoothies: Comment below: Have Green Smoothies helped…
Making Green Smoothies

It’s no secret that a primary secret to health is dark green leafy vegetables, the most nutrient dense foods available, and low in calories too. In addition to all the known and explored vitamins and minerals in them, they are also packed with hundreds of phytonutrients and antioxidants that promote healthy bodies and minds. The green color is chlorophyll, that is sunshine on your plate! It’s also no secret that most people…
20 Reasons to Eat Flaxseed Daily

Flaxseed could be called a super-food. It has many amazing benefits. Even if the results of every study aren’t 100% conclusive, there is enough evidence of the benefits of flaxseed that we don’t need to wait for further study to begin enjoying its benefits and see what it will do for us. Freely eat whole is not a scientific research site. There are plenty of those out there, and that is…
Taste of the Tropics {Green Smoothie}

When the temps hit 100° or nearly so, even in the rural midwest you get a desire for a cool drink from the tropics. I’m so glad we can enjoy the tastes of the tropics even without going there. Today’s Green Smoothie is straight from the tropics, with a flavor many love, Pina Colada–Pineapple and Coconut. Pina Colada Green Smoothie 1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple chunks 1/4 – 1/2 cup fresh young coconut meat…
Introducing Dr. Greger

If you don’t know Dr. Greger yet, he is a physician who is devoted to nutritional science, reading every English language nutrition journal every year. He runs, which provides free daily short videos and articles distilling all those research studies into understandable language for you and me, showing us what science currently has discovered about eating for vibrant health. He has also written How Not to Die, covering the top 15 causes of death and…
A Good Start

What is the number one piece of advice most health professionals give? From doctors to dietitians, nutritional scientists to natural health coaches, it’s all pretty much the same. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits! American’s are particularly woefully deficient in their fresh produce intake. The average adult gets far less than half the suggested amounts (of any fruits and vegetables). In fact, less than 1 in 10 get the recommended amounts,…
Kick-start Your Health

Welcome to my re-launch! Now is the time. I want to get my readers and this website off to a great start! So let’s get going. We’re going to start with a Challenge that will super-charge your health. Join me for a 28 Day Green Smoothie Challenge July 4-July 31 The Challenge is to drink at least 16 oz. of Green Smoothie every day for 28 days (and for the rest…
Hello world!
Welcome to Freely Eat Whole! Shortly after our launch on June 1st, the server that hosts our site crashed. They were unable to restore any of this site. So I will have to start from scratch to restore. I’ll be adding here and there, but watch for the RELAUNCH on July 1st! In the meantime, please check out my previous site: See you soon!
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