Salted Caramel Coconut Milk Creamer {recipe}

The last few years, my time in the kitchen has been less and less. Now that I only do meal prep for me, I usually just stick to my tried and true, very simple meals. Fruit, a salad, sweet potato, brown rice, avocado toast, avocado pudding, — or a frozen organic meal, — or occasionally out to eat. (Not a wise choice, but. 🤷🏻‍♀️ C’est la vie.) And thus why I’ve been MIA here for a while.

But I’ve been experimenting with making healthy, flavored creamers lately. I’m not a coffee drinker, and when I’m meeting a friend or out of town, it’s flavored milk-substitute with just a very small splash of coffee. At home, when it’s not herb tea or water or Zevia, it’s a herbal coffee with milk-substitute and natural flavored stevia drops. But I’ve been wanting a creamier, yet really healthy alternative.

I’m getting there, with some yummy, creamy flavors to share with you, whether you use coffee substitutes, espresso, or make cold brew. Here’s one of my 2 faves so far. Super easy and quick.

Salted Caramel Coconut Milk Creamer

  • 1 can organic Coconut Milk, with no fillers/added ingredients
  • 1/3+ c (6 Tbl) organic Coconut Sugar
  • 3 Tbl pure Water
  • 1/4 Tsp unrefined Salt
  • 1/2 organic Vanilla Extract

Blend Coconut Milk to mix the solids and liquids well. Add Salt & Vanilla. Combine Coconut Sugar and Water in small saucepan, and simmer, stirring most of the time, to dissolve the sugar and create a caramel syrup. I don’t actually cook it to full syrup stage, but just simmer for a few minutes, as I alternately stir and prep the rest of the ingredients. Slowly pour the syrup into the blended milk and other ingredients. Give it a final pulse to blend.

Store in covered jar in refrigerator, for up to 2 weeks. Shake well before each use.

Bon Appétit!

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