Looking for Freedom & Simplicity™ in the Kitchen, while you’re transitioning from the Standard American Diet to foods that are Good for You-Naturally!™–for both your health and your weight? Many people have trouble transitioning from S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) foods to Good for You-Naturally!™ foods, mainly because they don’t know where to start.
My Good for You-Naturally!™ for Life Online Course & Community is a comprehensive course for helping you transition in easy to take Steps, gradually adding in Good for You-Naturally!™ foods and eliminating S.A.D. foods–and giving you the Why’s and How’s along the way. But some are looking for a little more detailed instructions for walking it out daily, and have requested full menu plans and recipes. Thus, Good for You-Naturally! Weekly Menu & Recipes is here.
- Over
5060 delicious, easy to make, family-friendly, budget conscious recipes for every meal and snacks! - Complete Weekly Menu Plan
- Shopping List
- Basic Menu Plan–for you to plug your own Good for You-Naturally!™ Recipes into
- Introductory, Level 1, Menu Plan for those beginning to transition–50% fresh, living foods
- No specialized equipment needed–just a Blender and normal kitchen supplies
- No “weird” food ingredients–most can be bought at your local grocery store
- Explanations of Level 1, the Ingredients, and Menu Planning
- And SO MUCH more!
Get this Complete Guide to Planning Transitional Menus–including a detailed Weekly Menu Plan and over 50 60 Recipes to get you started!
Format: pdf ebook
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